New York Online offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and custom study boards that allow students to learn in and out of class at their own pace. We focus on mastering skills to help learners build a solid foundation so there's no limit to what they can learn next! We work hard to ensure that New York allows all types of online coaches to better understand what their children or students are doing and how best to help them. See at a glance if a child or student is having trouble or is caught off guard and way ahead of the class. Our teacher panel provides a summary of overall class performance as well as detailed student profiles.
Online learning comes in many forms. There are traditional classrooms that offer online activities. There are fully online classrooms outside of the school building. And there are options for blended classrooms that fall somewhere in between. Here are modes of classes which we use "rotation model", “flex model”, “enriched virtual model”, “fully online model”.
Our program engages children in key topics such as reading, writing, language, and developing analytical thinking while promoting creativity and building social and emotional skills. We will help you choose different topics to improve your academic results. All the necessary study materials are available in the database, which students can access at any time with just one click. Thanks to our interactive student-faculty sessions, students develop better problem-solving and communication skills. We strive to increase student engagement with interactive whiteboards, surveys and tests, etc.
Our program engages children in key topics such as reading, writing, language, and developing analytical thinking while promoting creativity and building social and emotional skills. We will help you choose different topics to improve your academic results. All the necessary study materials are available in the database, which students can access at any time with just one click. Thanks to our interactive student-faculty sessions, students develop better problem-solving and communication skills. We strive to increase student engagement with interactive whiteboards, surveys and tests, etc.